Våra resor och äventyr, Ratuskärets fyr.
Our travels and adventures, Ratuskärets lighthouse.

I söndags åkte vi en sväng med bilen i det fina vädret. Planen för dagen var att skruva i bilen men det var för fint väder så vi åkte på en liten utflykt istället.
Vi åkte först till Skeppsvik och tittade lite och jag tänkte hälsa på hos en jobbarkompis på väg tillbaka. Tyvärr fick jag inget svar när jag ringde så det blev andra planer istället. Vi åkte den gamla landsvägen mot Ratan och åkte ut till kajen där för att titta lite. väl där såg vi att det var fyrens dag med gratis båttur ut till Ratuskär där fyren är.
Last Sunday we went for a ride with the car in the nice weather. The plan for the day was to screw in the car but it was too nice weather so we went on a small excursion instead.
We first went to Skeppsvik and had a look and I was going to visit a work friend on the way back. Unfortunately, I didn't get an answer when I called so there were other plans instead. We drove the old country road towards Ratan and went out to the quay there to have a look. Once there, we saw that it was lighthouse day with free boat trip out to Ratuskär where the lighthouse is.
We got to go by boat with an older man who sat and went back and forth between the mainland and the skerry.

Ute på skäret följde vi en gjuten stig upp till fyrvaktarstugan. utsikten uppe på berget var vacker. man ser att tallarna här ute vid havet har fått kämpa ungefär som uppe mot fjällen. knotiga och vindpinade.
Out on the skerry, we followed a cast path up to the lighthouse keeper's cabin. The view up on the mountain was beautiful. You can see that the pines out here by the sea have had to fight much like up against the mountains. gnarled and windswept.
We started by going to the old beacon, I think they called it. Up in the tower, the pilots had their vantage point before the lighthouse keeper's residence was built. The old wooden ladder was quite worn by all the running up and down. Maybe it was lucky that they closed for it.
Vi fortsatte sedan till fyren. Guiden berättade om fyrens historia. att den byggts för attunderlätta för fartyg som skulle in till hamnen i Ratan så de inte gick på ett grund en bit ut i havet där det tydligen varit många olyckor genom åren.
När den byggdes sköttes fyren manuellt men idag är den helt automatiserad. Det krävs bara tillsyn ett par gånger per år nu för tiden.
Det var bra utsikt från den lilla fyren. Den behöver väl inte vara så hög eftersom den står på ett berg.We then proceeded to the lighthouse. The guide told us about the history of the lighthouse. that it was built to make it easier for ships that were going into the port of Ratan so they did not run aground a bit out in the sea where there have apparently been many accidents over the years.
When it was built, the lighthouse was operated manually, but today it is fully automatic. Supervision is only required a couple of times a year these days.
There was a good view from the small lighthouse. It doesn't have to be so high because it stands on a mountain.
Skäret är ett naturreservat så det blir nog ingen avverkning av skog mer. Från utkiksplatsen i fyrvaktarbostaden hade man bättre utsikt innan skogen växte upp. Idag är det nog inte lika viktigt längre eftersom fyren och den gamla lotsstationen inte längre är bemannad.
Out on the skerry there are some ancient monuments such as the labyrinth I walked in. It had been completely covered with heather until a few years ago, said the Guide in the lighthouse keeper's residence. There are some grounds from old fishing cabins and some compass roses.
The Skerry is a nature reserve so there will probably be no more felling of forest. From the vantage point in the lighthouse keeper's home, there was a better view before the forest grew up. Today it is probably not as important anymore because the lighthouse and the old pilot station are no longer manned.